The worst day of Coronavirus era with the record of highest number of cases


The last 24 hours has made a biggest record of this era of corona pandemic due to the number of cases found was 7,466. Out of these recorded cases, 2598 alone were the fresh cases from Coronavirus capital Maharashtra on Thursday. Along with it, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, and Gujarat also faces high rise in the number of cases. On the other side, the score of the deaths made due to the virus has reached 4,706. The reported number of deaths caused per day in Maharashtra is 97. Maharashtra has crossed the limit of 56,000 cases of coronavirus infections and the per day recorded cases has been 2,078 consecutively for three days.

What’s great amidst this crisis is the number of recovered cases that India has gained. Approximately 42% of the total cases of Coronavirus cases have been recovered till date. Punjab has been the state with the highest recovery of 2158 patients out of 1946 recorded cases. However, the infection of the virus has continued to rise in Delhi that has recorded 1024 cases freshly reported in the last 24 hours that has caused the toll of cases to reach 16,281.

Over the world, more than 58 lakh people have been affected with the coronavirus and almost 3.60 lakh of people have died due to its infection. Based on the details shared by Johns Hopkins University and Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center, the worse effect of this pandemic outbreak can be encountered in Russia, Italy, US, UK, Spain and France.

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