Spices that can help in healing cancer


Herbs and spices have usage even more than just for cooking food. It has great significance in our culture and has been in use for centuries. Our grandparents always praise herbs and spices for curing diseases which is why they usually prefer things like haldi wala doodh, putting turmeric on wounds, and in many other daily uses. Spices like turmeric and saffron have high medical properties which if inculcated into our life, improve our body strength to fight against bacteria and viruses. People nowadays are highly using spices not just for culinary purposes but for health benefits too. They have high competence to boost immunity which can even help keep health issues like cancer far away.

Let’s check out the spices that can boost your health –

Saffron: Saffron is a spice that may be the most expensive, but it brings a lot of benefits. It contains crocins that may reduce the growth of tumors and cancer. It not only obstructs the growth of the disease but also lowers the size of the tumor almost by half, assuring a clear goodbye to cancer.

saffron spice for healing cancer

Oregano: More than just being a pizza pasta topping, oregano has its role as a strong agent for fighting against prostate cancer. It comprises anti-microbial constituents, and just one teaspoon has the power equal to two cups of red grapes! Phyto-chemicals of oregano help to limit the growth of malevolent cells in the body and works as a drug against cancer-oriented diseases.


Ginger: It contains several kinds of stuff that give the origin to its signature tanginess and bitterness. Store ginger in the refrigerator and shred a bit into lentils, pulses, or rice while cooking. Dipping a few tiny slices in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes can make a soothing tea that will help to treat nausea and also reduce the cancer risk.

ginger with medicinal properties

Garlic: The most powerful spice working as an anti-cancer is one of the cancer-fighting alliums collection. Garlic helps in boosting our immune system to help fight ailments, and mild cold and flu. It also reduces the chance of the growth of cancer cells. Garlic is a flexible cooking element. You can sauté it with a tablespoon of olive oil and serve with multi-grain bread, or bake in the oven and then mash it into a spread. It’s delicious when added to appetizing vegetables and meats dishes.

garlic has cancer healing properties

Turmeric:  Turmeric contains curcumin, which gives it a yellow color. Using turmeric with black pepper and olive oil can stimulate curcumin’s strength. Due to its mild and pleasant savor, turmeric is also used for a dry rub on chicken and vegetables. A teaspoon when added to soups, or sauces turns out to be a tasty way to help in cancer prevention. Turmeric has been in use around the world as an antiseptic and antibacterial for healing infection, supporting wound healing, and also boosting better digestion.

A basic diet that can help prevent Cancer –

  1. Have a plant-based diet with different fruits, green veggies, nuts, and grains
  2. Switch to brown rice over white one.
  3. Eat whole-grain bread, not a white bread
  4. When you feel cravings, choose healthy snacks like popcorn, groundnuts, or fox nuts than eating potato chips.
  5. Eat fresh fruits without peeling them off.
  6. Do not include an excess of turmeric in your diet.
  7. Try to avoid any packed food.
  8. Use olive oil for cooking
  9. Use Himalayan salt in place of processed salt.
healthy and balanced diet

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