Russia offers a helping hand to the US with the Coronavirus vaccine, but the USA denied help


Russia has completed clinical trials for the coronavirus vaccine on human beings and the outcomes of the trials have shown the vaccine to be enough effective. Head of the Center for Clinical Research on Medications at Sechenov University, Chief Researcher Elena Smolyarchuk informed a news agency TASS on Sunday that they have completed the human trials of vaccine at the university and discharge will be made soon. The Russian officials offered the US a helping hand with the Covid-19 vaccine for the treatment of patients.

But as per the officials, the US is not inviting any help currently to the medications of the vaccine. Kayleigh McEnany, White House Press Secretary said on Thursday that President Trump has mentioned on the Russian vaccine. She told that “but American vaccine is under Phase 3 testing and high standards”.

US public health official stated, “There is no way in hell that the US tries the Russian vaccine on monkeys, let people alone”. In response to this Russian sources said, “Washington should seriously consider the adoption of this newly approved coronavirus vaccine, Sputnik V could save the lives of Americans”. The officials of the Russian govt. have assured that the vaccine of Covid-19 will be helping slowly to people with high risk until a mass vaccination to the people becomes available in October.

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