Google Play Music no longer available on Android Phones

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A leading technology giant Google has shut closed its “Google Play Music” app service on all of the Android smartphones. A report from 9to5google has shared that #GooglePlayMusic will be shut down and all the users will be transferred to either YouTube music or any other music player. Many android users who were accessing Play Music, might have noticed that it is not working for some weeks. Due to this, Google assistant speakers are not working as efficiently as earlier. Earlier Google Assistant speakers including Google’s Nest Mini, etc. were using Play Music and others to play the music of the user’s choice with a command but YouTube music is added to the list recently.

Play music

Why Google Play Music is not working?

If you are an Android user and want to use “Play Music”, you would see a screen saying “Google Play Music is no longer available”. The android user will find two options, i.e. “Transfer to YouTube music” or “Manage your data”. The activity is not just for a test, it is the decision of Google to shut down the former services.

If you want to move your Play music files, you can do it easily to another service and maintain your paid subscription.

Play music no longer available

YouTube update on this shutdown

As the Play music is removed, YouTube roll out its new update, which states, users, can now access their saved playlists of songs and mark songs as a favorite in the library of #YouTube music from the YouTube app on any smart TV.

Users can now upload songs to the YouTube music gallery from their YouTube music playlist to access TV. Google now wants to keep its focus on a single music player so is releasing new updates in the YouTube music app. In the upcoming time, YouTube music’s subscribed users can access the music even after exiting the app.

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