Fruits every nutritionist prescribe for weight loss

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Fruit is the easiest accessible snack that you can consume for on-the -go diet to lose weight. It is the most nutritious item packed with vitamins, proteins, minerals, iron and a long list of other nutrition. Fruits contain fibres and thus help you fill your tummy for longer that is not possible in case of other dietary snack. Most of the people are worried about losing weight and find it hard to carry on their weight loss journey because of several diets and exercises but adding fruits to your diet can be really helpful for weight loss. Fruits will keep your body hydrated through the day and can keep your hunger satiated for long hours. Consuming fruits in a diet implies lower weight fain and low risk of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure or any heart disease.

List of fruits that one can consume to have a significant weight loss –


Many people think that tomatoes are vegetables but they actually are fruit, a fruit that is enriched with flavanoids. Tomato resists the production of “leptin” in our body which is a strong resistance against weight loss. But remember, canned tomatoes or ketchup are not favourable for the weight loss and can make you fattier.



As the name suggests, watermelon contain high amount of water content in it. It also comprises of several antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and potassium. As it has so much of water, it can keep you hydrated and will satiate your hunger for long.

Watermelon for weight loss


Berries are a tasty fruit that can improve any meal when added. Berries are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and serve you with low amount of calorie. It helps in reducing the cholesterol level, and blood pressure. You can add them to your salad or consume as smoothy.


Kiwi –

Kiwi is a great fruit to be considered for efficient weight loss as it have high concentration of nutrients, fibre, vitamins, and folate. It helps you lower the blood sugar level, blood pressure and control your cholesterol. You can add the slices of kiwi to your regular salad juice or smoothy.

kiwi fruit

Avocado –

It provides healthy fat to your body that are good for your heart. It also contain fibre, vitamins, protein, iron, zinc and magnesium all to help you have a healthy weight loss. It helps you keep your body’s metabolism level in optimum state. Avocados are really tasty when consumed as dips, salad, or smoothy.


Papaya –

Papaya is considered helpful in weight loss from decades. Papain, an enzyme present in it helps to boost the metabolism and break down the food for effective metabolism. It contains high amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. You can consume papaya as it is.


Oranges –

Oranges are as nutritious as effective for weight loss. They are rich in Vitamin C, and help in the growth of tissues in the body such as ligament, tendon and cartilage. Along with being nutritious and effective weight loss fruit, oranges are extremely yummy. They contain low calories, and has fullest of fibre and potassium.

Guava –

Guava has proven itself to be a great fruit to maintain the blood sugar level and it has been considered a beneficial product for diabetic patients. Guavas are rich in fibre hence you can feel satiated for longer if you consume them. Guavas improve your digestive system and maintain the bowel movements. They persist high amount of Vitamin C, lycopene, and antioxidants that help to cure skin inflammation and cancer.

guava for weight loss

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