Snacks that will help you lose weight

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Are you striving hard to lose weight? But always end eating unhealthy or fast food just because of your dying hunger and cravings. Do you find yourself in a situation where you always pick a packet of chips just because of convenience? If yes, this article is made just for you. We all know winter is all ready to come and it is a season where everyone loves to chew crunchy stuff regularly. Thus it is better if you are prepared in advance rather than ending up gaining immense weight.

This article will introduce you to some healthy snacks, eating which will never make you gain unnecessary weight. You can always carry them with you in case you feel hungry amidst your day.

Healthy snacks to lose wight

Makhana or Fox Nut

Makhana is the on the go healthiest snacks to carry wherever you want. They are known for being low in fat, sodium, or cholesterol. Fox nuts are just the fittest and finest snack one can have by the side in his weight loss journey. Fox nuts are satiating and nutritious. Since these are high in protein, they can help in muscle building.

You can buy roasted makhana or fry the plain ones with a tablespoon of Ghee and sprinkle salt or herbs of your choice. You can have 30-40 grams of makhanas daily to have an effective journey to lose weight.

Roasted makhana


Nuts as we all know are healthy to eat. They are a good source of protein and are a storehouse of healthy fat that supports the effective functioning of the brain. Nuts are good for your hair, nails, and skin too. The best thing is that nuts can keep you satiated for long so you won’t feel hungry. But as they are rich in calories it is best if you eat them in a limited amount. A handful of 10-15 cashews or almonds will work.

nuts(almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachio)


Popcorn is everyone’s all-time favorite snack for every movie. There is almost no one who can deny having popcorn and these are even extremely easy to cook. Popcorn is a healthy, tasty, and nutritious on the go snack to lose weight. But when you are buying popcorn or making them, make sure they are salt-less and butter-less. You can have 30-50 grams of popcorn a day.

popcorn snack to lose weight

Egg white

An egg is a great food to have. Egg whites contain no fats and carbohydrates in it. Egg whites are filled with protein. You must include egg whites in your meal when looking to lose weight. In a day, you can have 6-8 egg whites.

egg whites

Roasted Grams

You can add roasted grams or roasted chana to your weight loss diet to have a little crunchiness to your meal. It is an awesome low carbohydrate snack, which is rich in protein and fiber and can help you to win your war with weight.

roasted grams


Chickpeas are something everyone has in the kitchen. Not just known for the nutty flavor, chickpeas are rich in fiber and protein too when you are on a weight loss program. You can roast them to have a crunchiness in your snack. Half a cup of chickpeas equals 100 calories and 5 grams of protein and fiber.

chickpea for weight loss

Whichever snack you eat, make sure you know their calorie count and eat accordingly. Adding these healthy and ready-to-eat snacks will light up your mood and satiate your hunger, without causing you to gain extra weight.

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